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Server Rules

1 - Do not swear in a derogatory way to anyone.

2 - Avoid asking for free stuff from other people since it can turn out annoying.

3 - Please use English in chat.

4 - Do not build inappropriate buildings.

5 - Automatic farms or redstone builds are not allowed.

6 - Inappropriate names are prohibited on players, items and Pokémon.

7 - Hacking will result in a ban.

8 - Bug abusing is not allowed and should be reported to staff as soon as possible.

9 - We do not tolerate death threats.

10 - Do not post URLs in chat.

11 - No Alt Abusing as it’s unfair.

12 - Do not spam in chat.

13 - Griefing or Claim Trapping someone is not allowed on our server.

14 - Listen to the Staff members. If you fail to do so, it will result in consequences

15 - No AFK bypassing! You get kicked for a reason!

16 - Use Common Sense. If what you're doing seems wrong, don't do it!